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Denison PV29-1R1D-C00 Variable Displacement Piston Pump
Denison Pump
Denison PV29-1R1D-C00 Variable Displacement Piston Pump with easy-to-use parts graphics, giving you the ability to check parts availability, Denison Pump pricing, China Daikin Pump Supplier examine remanufactured options.
- Denison
- 7/8 in
- 50000
- 1 in
- Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi)
- 1/2 in
- 1200 (sfm)
- Plain Sleeve
- Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®
China Daikin Pump Supplier2020-07-10 09:46:19
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Types of Denison PV29-1R1D-C00 Variable Displacement Piston Pump
- Oil-Impregnated Bronze
- SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II
- None
- Click here
- -35 °F to +300 °F
Denison PV29-1R1D-C00 Denison PV29-1R1D-C00 Variable Displacement Piston Pump Products and services
Denison PV29-1R1D-C00 Variable Displacement Piston Pump##Parts Table 1## | ||||||||
Shafts | 705 mm | 504 mm | 31171501 | 15,95 | ||||
Seal Kits | M270700 | 31171501 | 300 N/mm² | 0.0 | ||||
Block Springs | 140 mm | 65 mm | 2,42 Kg | 705 | ||||
Block Cylinder | 65 mm | 50 | 0,173 Kg | C0-Medium | ||||
Retainer Plate | 1.26 Inch | 32 Millimeter | 0.472 Inch | 12 Millimeter | 0.04 Kg | 0.0 | ||||
Valve Plates | 1.22 Inch | 31 Millimeter | 0.5 Inch | 12.7 Millimeter | 0.64 | 0.0 | ||||
Swash Plate | 31171501 | 39,65 | 25.85 | 0.0 | ||||
Seal Kit For Hyd Pump | 19,25 | 50 mm | - | 0.0 | ||||
Shoe Piston | 22 | 6.8 kN | 25.85 | 547 mm | ||||
Push Rod | 120 mm | 70 mm | Inch | 32.000 mm | ||||
Shoe Plates | 635.000 mm | 409.575 mm | 25.85 | 0.246 | ||||
Spacer | 69,012 mm | 38,1 mm | CX408 | Oil Seal | ||||
Piston Sets | 39,65 mm | 19,25 mm | 0.048 | 627 mm | ||||
Coil Spring | 22 | 65x140x33 | 0.451 | M270700 |
Denison PV15-2L1C-L00 Variable Displacement Piston Pump | Case volume:7/8 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:50000; Torque:1 in; Voltage:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Flow:1/2 in; Maximum angular acceleration:1200 (sfm); Drive Speed:Plain Sleeve; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Pressurefree Operation:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Control Pressure Measurement:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:None; Determining Operating Characteristics:Click here; Power:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Denison PV10-2L1B-L00 Variable Displacement Piston Pump | Displacement, geometric, per revolution:7/8 in; Pressurefree Operation:50000; Rotary stiffness:1 in; Weight (approx.):Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Rate Of Pressure Chang:1/2 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:1200 (sfm); Nominal Resistance:Plain Sleeve; Torque:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Drive Speed:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Load Pressure:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Pilot Pressure:None; Maximum Volume Flow:Click here; Maximum angular acceleration:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Denison PV20-1R5D-C02 Variable Displacement Piston Pump | Maximum rotational speed:7/8 in; Control Pressure Measurement:50000; Torque:1 in; Case volume:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Power:1/2 in; Maximum Torque:1200 (sfm); Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Plain Sleeve; Voltage:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Drive Speed:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Sequence Valve:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Maximum angular acceleration:None; Rotary stiffness:Click here; Control Fluid Drain:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Denison PV15-1L1D-C00 Variable Displacement Piston Pump | Rate Of Pressure Chang:7/8 in; Maximum Volume Flow:50000; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:1 in; Drive Speed:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Flow:1/2 in; Control Fluid Drain:1200 (sfm); Maximum Torque:Plain Sleeve; Pressurefree Operation:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Case volume:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Nominal Resistance:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Voltage:None; Sequence Valve:Click here; Torque:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Denison PV20-1L1C-L00 Variable Displacement Piston Pump | Flow:7/8 in; Load Pressure:50000; Determining Operating Characteristics:1 in; Weight (approx.):Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Pilot Pressure:1/2 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1200 (sfm); Drive Power:Plain Sleeve; Maximum angular acceleration:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Rate Of Pressure Chang:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Case volume:None; Control Fluid Drain:Click here; Control Pressure Measurement:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Denison PV15-1R1B-L00 Variable Displacement Piston Pump | Power:7/8 in; Nominal Resistance:50000; Drive Speed:1 in; Control Fluid Drain:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Moment of inertia rotary group:1/2 in; Sequence Valve:1200 (sfm); Maximum Torque:Plain Sleeve; Pilot Pressure:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Load Pressure:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Rate Of Pressure Chang:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Determining Operating Characteristics:None; Maximum angular acceleration:Click here; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Denison PV10-2R1C-L00 Variable Displacement Piston Pump | Torque:7/8 in; Control Fluid Drain:50000; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1 in; Case volume:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Drive Power:1/2 in; Rate Of Pressure Chang:1200 (sfm); Pilot Pressure:Plain Sleeve; Drive Speed:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Weight (approx.):Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Moment of inertia rotary group:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):None; Pressurefree Operation:Click here; Maximum rotational speed:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Denison PV10-1L1D-L00 Variable Displacement Piston Pump | Flow:7/8 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:50000; Rate Of Pressure Chang:1 in; Maximum rotational speed:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1/2 in; Load Pressure:1200 (sfm); Rotary stiffness:Plain Sleeve; Case volume:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Maximum Torque:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Control Pressure Measurement:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Maximum angular acceleration:None; Maximum Volume Flow:Click here; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Denison PV15-2R1D-F02 Variable Displacement Piston Pump | Maximum Torque:7/8 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:50000; Rate Of Pressure Chang:1 in; Pilot Pressure:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Maximum Volume Flow:1/2 in; Maximum rotational speed:1200 (sfm); Sequence Valve:Plain Sleeve; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Nominal Resistance:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Power:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Pressurefree Operation:None; Case volume:Click here; Weight (approx.):-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Denison PV20-2L5D-L00 Variable Displacement Piston Pump | Torque:7/8 in; Control Pressure Measurement:50000; Drive Speed:1 in; Control Fluid Drain:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Maximum Volume Flow:1/2 in; Drive Power:1200 (sfm); Sequence Valve:Plain Sleeve; Determining Operating Characteristics:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Weight (approx.):Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Pressurefree Operation:None; Flow:Click here; Rotary stiffness:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
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- China Daikin Pump Supplier
- Address3011-49th Street, Edmonton, Alberta U9E 7T9, Canada
- Phone(Working Time)+1-492-468-4800