Home>Products>Parker Pump>Parker PV023R1K8T1NMMC Axial Piston Pump
Parker PV023R1K8T1NMMC Axial Piston Pump
Parker Pump
What is the best place China Daikin Pump Supplier to buy Parker PV023R1K8T1NMMC Axial Piston Pump online? Parker Pump Manufacturing Service .
- Parker
- 28 mm
- 17.5 N/mm²
- 32 mm
- 0.85 m/s SFPM
- 25 mm
- 80
- Straight Bushing
- RoHS
China Daikin Pump Supplier2020-07-10 09:46:19
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Parker PV023R1K8T1NMMC Axial Piston Pump Description of the code
- Polyacetal
- 80B
- -40 to 176 °F
- Lead Free
- 2.45 N/mm² - m/s
Parker PV023R1K8T1NMMC Parker PV023R1K8T1NMMC Axial Piston Pump Details
Parker PV023R1K8T1NMMC Axial Piston Pump##Parts Table 1## | ||||||||
Spacer | 36.512 mm | 48 | 42.9 mm | 0.7 kg | ||||
Swash Plate Assemblies | 22 | 42 | 28118 | 0,18 | ||||
Block Springs | 47.62 mm | 16900 lbf | 43.5 mm | 2.62 kg | ||||
The Ball Hinge Spring | 5.512 Inch | 140 Millimeter | 9.843 Inch | 250 Millimeter | 1.654 Inch | 42 Millimeter | 6.846 | ||||
Bearing Plate | 1.438 Inch | 36.525 Millimeter | 1.689 Inch | 42.9 Millimeter | 1.875 Inch | 47.63 Millimeter | 1.371 | ||||
Set Plate | 0.787 Inch | 20 Millimeter | 1.26 Inch | 32 Millimeter | Ceramic Rolling Element | Carbon Steel Shield | - | ||||
Housings Casings | 45.242 | 77.788 | 19.842 | Brass | ||||
Rotor | 30.163 mm | 80 mm | 21.006 mm | 0.0 | ||||
Socket Bolt | 180mm | 300mm | 95mm | 0.655 kN | ||||
Central Shaft | 75 mm | 160 mm | 6500 | 95 mm | ||||
Valve Plates | 1100 | 6.5 N·m | 0.77 | 1.45 |
Parker PV023R1K1JHNMMC Axial Piston Pump | Moment of inertia rotary group:28 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:17.5 N/mm²; Drive Power:32 mm; Case volume:0.85 m/s SFPM; Pressurefree Operation:25 mm; Load Pressure:80; Rotary stiffness:Straight Bushing; Pilot Pressure:RoHS; Drive Speed:Polyacetal; Voltage:80B; Torque:-40 to 176 °F; Maximum angular acceleration:Lead Free; Nominal Resistance:2.45 N/mm² - m/s; |
Parker PV140R1K1B1NUPG Axial Piston Pump | Flow:28 mm; Nominal Resistance:17.5 N/mm²; Pilot Pressure:32 mm; Case volume:0.85 m/s SFPM; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):25 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:80; Sequence Valve:Straight Bushing; Maximum Volume Flow:RoHS; Drive Power:Polyacetal; Load Pressure:80B; Rotary stiffness:-40 to 176 °F; Pressurefree Operation:Lead Free; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:2.45 N/mm² - m/s; |
Parker PV023R2K1T1N001 Axial Piston Pump | Flow:28 mm; Sequence Valve:17.5 N/mm²; Maximum Torque:32 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:0.85 m/s SFPM; Load Pressure:25 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:80; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Straight Bushing; Drive Power:RoHS; Maximum angular acceleration:Polyacetal; Maximum rotational speed:80B; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):-40 to 176 °F; Control Fluid Drain:Lead Free; Rate Of Pressure Change:2.45 N/mm² - m/s; |
Parker PV020R1K1T1NFRZ Axial Piston Pump | Pressurefree Operation:28 mm; Pilot Pressure:17.5 N/mm²; Maximum rotational speed:32 mm; Maximum Torque:0.85 m/s SFPM; Sequence Valve:25 mm; Load Pressure:80; Flow:Straight Bushing; Voltage:RoHS; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Polyacetal; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:80B; Torque:-40 to 176 °F; Control Pressure Measurement:Lead Free; Control Fluid Drain:2.45 N/mm² - m/s; |
Parker PV032R1D3T1VFWS Axial Piston Pump | Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:28 mm; Voltage:17.5 N/mm²; Maximum Volume Flow:32 mm; Torque:0.85 m/s SFPM; Flow:25 mm; Power:80; Drive Speed:Straight Bushing; Pressurefree Operation:RoHS; Control Fluid Drain:Polyacetal; Control Pressure Measurement:80B; Determining Operating Characteristics:-40 to 176 °F; Rate Of Pressure Change:Lead Free; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:2.45 N/mm² - m/s; |
Parker PVP16364R26A112 Variable Volume Piston Pumps | Displacement, geometric, per revolution:28 mm; Power:17.5 N/mm²; Torque:32 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:0.85 m/s SFPM; Control Pressure Measurement:25 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:80; Maximum angular acceleration:Straight Bushing; Pressurefree Operation:RoHS; Flow:Polyacetal; Case volume:80B; Control Fluid Drain:-40 to 176 °F; Moment of inertia rotary group:Lead Free; Drive Speed:2.45 N/mm² - m/s; |
Parker PV180R1L4T1N100 Axial Piston Pump | Maximum Volume Flow:28 mm; Load Pressure:17.5 N/mm²; Moment of inertia rotary group:32 mm; Rotary stiffness:0.85 m/s SFPM; Maximum Torque:25 mm; Voltage:80; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Straight Bushing; Drive Power:RoHS; Maximum rotational speed:Polyacetal; Determining Operating Characteristics:80B; Control Pressure Measurement:-40 to 176 °F; Sequence Valve:Lead Free; Pressurefree Operation:2.45 N/mm² - m/s; |
Parker PV016R1K1A1NFFC Axial Piston Pump | Rate Of Pressure Change:28 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:17.5 N/mm²; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:32 mm; Weight (approx.):0.85 m/s SFPM; Case volume:25 mm; Drive Power:80; Voltage:Straight Bushing; Control Pressure Measurement:RoHS; Drive Speed:Polyacetal; Maximum Torque:80B; Maximum Volume Flow:-40 to 176 °F; Rotary stiffness:Lead Free; Maximum rotational speed:2.45 N/mm² - m/s; |
Parker PV040R1K1T1NFPR Axial Piston Pump | Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:28 mm; Rotary stiffness:17.5 N/mm²; Nominal Resistance:32 mm; Maximum Volume Flow:0.85 m/s SFPM; Pilot Pressure:25 mm; Drive Speed:80; Weight (approx.):Straight Bushing; Maximum angular acceleration:RoHS; Pressurefree Operation:Polyacetal; Rate Of Pressure Change:80B; Load Pressure:-40 to 176 °F; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Lead Free; Flow:2.45 N/mm² - m/s; |
Parker PV140R9K1T1NFHSK0017 Axial Piston Pump | Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):28 mm; Torque:17.5 N/mm²; Voltage:32 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:0.85 m/s SFPM; Moment of inertia rotary group:25 mm; Pilot Pressure:80; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Straight Bushing; Control Pressure Measurement:RoHS; Nominal Resistance:Polyacetal; Drive Power:80B; Flow:-40 to 176 °F; Maximum Torque:Lead Free; Control Fluid Drain:2.45 N/mm² - m/s; |
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Купить гидравлический насос Parker PV023R1K8T1NMMC по лучшей цене в Украине от официального поставщика гидравлического оборудования
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Parker PV023R1K8T1NMMC Axial Piston Pump Video
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